Browse our frequently asked questions here!
Are you looking for more information? Have a pressing question? Find the answers to some frequently asked questions here.

You can register for a course by following the steps below:
- Browse the catalogue of courses, filtering by topic, level or style of course
- Click the 'Register' button on the right or at the bottom of the page
- Choose the session you wish to attend from the available dates
- Fill in your details and confirm your purchase
- You will receive an email confirming your registration
Once we have processed your request, you will receive another confirmation email for the course itself. This will complete your registration.
If this is your first time registering through SD Worx Academy you will receive an email asking you to complete your registration on our learning platform. Once you have done this, you will be given access to your personal learning plan. Here you will find course materials, relevant links and practical information about your course.
When registering for a course you will be asked for your contact details so the invoice can be sent digitally. The amount can then be paid up to 30 days after the invoice date.
You can change your training course free of charge to another planned session (date or location) from the SD Worx Academy up to 2 weeks before the start of the training course. Please email uk.academy@sdworx.com to action this
Alternatively, access can be transferred to another registered user with SD Worx written consent through uk.academy@sdworx.com. If the request is sent within 48 hours of a live session starting, we may not be able to action this before the session.
You can receive a refund by emailing uk.academy@sdworx.com within 14 days of purchase. If you have started the content (even partially), you will not be able to receive a refund.
If SD Worx cancels a course before the end date, you will receive a partial refund. If you would prefer, we can transfer you to another session, depending on availability.
Learning portal SD Worx Academy?
Check your emails - you should have received a confirmation email that includes your username, remember to check your junk folder too. If you can't find it, you can get a reminder by clicking 'Login' at the top right-hand corner of the SD Worx Academy, then clicking 'Forgot your Username?'.
If you still cannot log in, you can request your user name by emailing uk.academy@sdworx.com.
If you have forgotten your password or would like to change it, you can do this on the login screen. You will then receive a link by email or SMS to reset your password.
Important: The reset link is only valid for 24 hours for security reasons.
Your password must be created using the following format:
- Minimum of 8 characters
- Minimum of 1 alphanumeric and 1 numeric character
- Minimum of 1 special character such as %, @ or &
Your choice of communication method (SMS, e-mail, alternative e-mail address) is important for you to access your courses, or in case you need to change your password so please keep it up to date.
You can change this information yourself at any time:
- Log in through the website here - this will take you to the SD Worx Academy learning centre
- Click on 'my profile' in the menu on the left
- Update your details as required and opt in or out of notifications.
You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter at the bottom of the email.
Course materials
Check your emails - you should have received a confirmation email that includes your course details, remember to check your junk folder too. If you can't find it you can access your courses by logging in:
- Log in through the website here - this will take you to the SD Worx Academy learning centre
- Your dashboard will load, you can access your webinar link here or access any course material
- You can also access these by clicking 'my planning' in the menu on the left, where you can also view previous courses completed.
No, the content does not include tax advice.
We'll usually add a timescale in the course description, but if not - we usually provide 6 months access.
If we permanently take down the content before your access has expired, we may be able to provide a partial refund. Contact us at uk.academy@sdworx.com to request a refund.
All content belongs to SD Worx. You are not permitted to share any content without express permission.
Content explicitly made available for download can be downloaded. Recording a session or taking screenshots is against the Terms and Conditions of the Academy and may result in expulsion without a refund.
Whilst we make every endeavour to deliver high-quality training, SD Worx cannot guarantee the content is legally up to date, and the content is never a replacement for professional legal advice. We may update the content from time to time when legislation changes.
Have a question that's not been answered here?
You can contact us at uk.academy@sdworx.com between the hours of 9:30am - 4:30pm and the UK Training Team will get back to you as soon as possible!