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What’s required to continuously engage the emerging workforce and for employers to stay competitive and sustainable? Explore our top content.

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Unlocking the Power of Cloud-Based HR Transformation

Unlocking the Power of Cloud-Based HR Transformation: Migrating from SAP On-Premise to SAP SuccessFactors

In today's digital world, businesses are always looking for new ways to improve their operations and grow. One important change happening soon is that support for on-premise SAP HCM will end in 2027. This means that companies need to move their old systems to the cloud before that happens. Some companies have already started this process, but others need to be aware that waiting too long could cause problems like not having enough resources or facing higher costs. 

A Guide from Ground to Cloud

A Guide from Ground to Cloud: Empowering HR Transformation with SD Worx SAP Solutions

The ever-evolving payroll landscape offers a multitude of options, including cloud-based solutions, automated software and managed services providers. Enterprise software giant SAP has itself transitioned from a cloud-first to a cloud-only strategy, signalling the sunset of its mainstream maintenance for on-premise solutions in 2027. 

What matters most to employees regarding payroll

What matters most to employees regarding payroll?

To go for payroll success, prioritize employee experience throughout. SD Worx experts share insights into what matters most to employees regarding payroll.

By Andrea Eschle16/05/2024
How can I support financial well-being through payroll

How can I support financial well-being through payroll?

To go for payroll success, prioritize employee experience throughout. SD Worx experts share how to support employee financial well-being through payroll.

By Andrea Eschle16/05/2024

Top Payroll Certifications for Business Managers

Business managers are often tasked with overseeing payroll functions. In today's competitive landscape, having specialized certifications in payroll can give you a significant advantage. This guide aims to break down the best certifications and learning resources to consider.


The Advantages of Integrated Payroll and HR Management Systems

In the digital age, business operations have become increasingly complex. With this complexity comes the need for more efficient and integrated systems, particularly in the realms of Human Resources and Payroll. Integration of these two vital functions can offer businesses an array of benefits, from cost savings to increased productivity.

 This comprehensive guide will delve into the many advantages of integrated Payroll and HR Management Systems.


The Top Payroll and HR Metrics to Track for Data-Driven Decisions

In today's fast-paced business environment, data is the key to making informed decisions. Especially in HR and payroll management, tracking the right metrics can provide invaluable insights into your workforce and financial health.

In this guide, we'll delve into essential metrics that every business should monitor.

The Perfect Match

Love at first sight!

Discover your perfect match here

Hidden costs

The hidden costs of not digitalising HR

Yes, a HR digitalisation journey comes with a price, but doing nothing is worse. These are the costs you could avoid by building a digital workplace.

Digital workplace - Operational excellence

Digital workplace – Step 1: operational excellence

Simplify your HR tasks and take the first step towards a strong digital workplace: going for operational excellence. Find out how in our blog post.

employee experience

Digital Workplace - Step 2: user experience

Streamline your HR processes and take the second step towards a strong digital workplace: optimising the user experience. Find out how in our blog post.

Digital employee experience

Crafting a premium digital employee experience: do’s and don’ts

The success of a digitalisation journey in the workplace depends on your ability to nail the digital employee experience (or DEX). Here’s what (not) to do.
