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Infographic: Technology in the Workplace

Technology is moving at such a pace, I wonder if Usain Bolt could even keep up with the advancements?! The truth though is that if you don€t embrace the changes, you are impacting the success of your organisation. Customers want it and employees want it and the last thing you want is for them to be ahead of you.

At our annual Conference in March, we asked c600 delegates questions via a live polling console on "how technology change is impacting their company". Such a large sample of a wide range of organisations representing different sizes and industry sectors paints a good picture of the UK economy.

Looking ahead to the next 10 years
We asked "which technology will have the biggest impact on your business in the next 10 years?" 53% felt mobile will have the biggest impact, and with smart phone usage increasing at such a pace (c30% of visitors to the sdworx.co.uk website now come from a mobile compared to just 7% 3 years ago!), the results are not surprising.

SD Worx are building their software to make the employee mobile experience at the centre of product strategy and we have seen many websites designed around mobile. Employees want to do more and more on their smartphones, and new generations entering the workplace will expect to view their payslip, request holiday and update their personal details on it.

The second biggest change cited to the question is "social" with 29% thinking it will have the biggest impact. Social channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have changed the way we collaborate both outside and inside of work. Employees want to share information in new ways and companies have to embrace this to create a more joined up and engaged workforce.

Other impacts included robotics (7%), wearable technology (6%) and self-driving cars (5%). It will be interesting to look back at this in ten years to see if people were correct with their vision.

Can you keep up?
The next question we asked was "do you think your organisation is keeping pace with technology change?" 53% felt their organisation was either behind or catching up, a worrying statistic. I wonder if the organisations keeping up 34%) or ahead (13%) are showing results in their bottom line?

Follow the leader
Such change of pace requires strong leadership to embrace it. When asked "how tech savvy is your leadership team?" 44% felt they were average, which will need to improve very quickly. 36% felt they were confident or experts whereas 20% were either beginners or novices. If you want to be a leader of future successful organisations, you need to start to get savvy now or be left behind.

Change is only going to get faster, we need to sprint and take the lead on making sure our organisations are innovative and responding to customer and employee needs.

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