Making payroll a piece of cake
Payroll needs to make strides in technology evolution and innovation, driving positive changes across the wider business and aligning with HR to attract talent. It will be more influential than ever before and key to future-proofing organisations. Payroll can be complex and challenging and comes with huge responsibility, but this is why we love it – and with 70 years’ experience, we also know some clever tips. Wherever you see yourself, when you have the tools, technology and know-how it’s a piece of cake to become unhealthily payroll obsessed.

Indulge your unhealthy obsession with 8 bite-sized tips.
Whether you’re the one who saves the day in a crisis, problem-solves like a ninja or you’re already trailblazing your way to the top, you’ll know that payroll’s remit is evolving rapidly. Preparing for the future workforce, creating transparency, staying bang up-to-date with legislation, ensuring the right technology is in place whilst driving strategic change… there’s a lot to master whilst staying productive and compliant. Are you up for it? We hope so! But just in case you need a helping hand, we’ve whipped up this tantalising and satisfying list of eight ways to make payroll a piece of cake.
Read on to feed your unhealthy obsession and take your performance to the next level.